Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Really? This Is Exercise? NEAT!

Wouldn't you like to be on that beach?  Far away. Contemplating the sand, water and resting?  Reading the latest novel or, heaven forbid - sleeping?  And, wouldn't you like to look and feel your best? To have diabetes under control? (I just liked the picture - I had to work it around to the topic.)
By now you all know I believe in exercise.  I believe it's important in any strategy to control or beat diabetes.  It's part of The Diabetes Treatment Triangle (I just made that up!  I know I will use it again.)
Anyway, not everyone will get out and either walk or exercise in some way.  Like I am telling you something you don't know.  The bigest exercise you have going might be using the remote or getting up from the couch.  I get it.  I used to be that way.  But, wait, there's a way for you to get your necessary movement (new word for exercise) and stay on, or near the couch!
It's called NEAT.  Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.  Good thing they came up with an easy to remember acronym, huh?  Otherwise, it sounds like something out of Star Trek.
So, the big idea is that any movement - any movement - during the day adds up; that it burns calories and will result in a weight loss.  This is nothing new; I've written about it before.  But, now they have applied science to it.  Very exciting!  And, it's a great way to ease into other forms of exercise if you are just beginning.  The important issue is that you do something, anything - again, I am telling you something you already know.
What movement/activity counts?  Just about anything.  Walking to a meeting.  Making a bed.  Lifting your legs up and down while watching TV.  (Unfortunately, I am not sure that remote control mastery counts.)  Taking the stairs for a floor, or two, instead of using the elevator - you can always catch it on the second or third floor.
You can read a decent introductory article here and look at another one here. then do a web-search to learn more.  Exercise, NEAT or not, is important for everyone - but especially important if you are going to control diabetes.
As always, thank you for reading.

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