Thursday, September 20, 2012

This I Believe - You Can Do It!

The TV was on as I was getting ready for work this morning.  One of the updates was about Robin Roberts, co-anchor of Good Morning America, who is going through a bone marrow transplant.  Talk about dignity and grace under pressure!  You do know the whole bone marrow transplant is still experimental, don't you?
I was struck by Ms Roberts' thoughts, prayers - for certainly some of her words are prayers for others, as well as herself, and belief.  Paraphrasing her words: It starts with belief.  Believe you can do it.  Believe you will be better.  Believe that you can make the necessary changes... 
She might as well have been talking to diabetics.  I won't belabor the point, but your control of diabetes, beating diabetes, starts with believing you can.  Believing you can overcome.  Believing you can beat it.  I was lucky when I was diagnosed.  My doctor told me that, "Phil, you have diabetes and there is a good chance you will be on meds for the rest of your life.  You need to lose a little weight.  And, we need to get your A1c down as soon as possible.  You are going to need to see a dietician to learn new ways to eat.  And, you are going to have to track your blood sugar.  Sugar is the enemy."
He went on to explain what diabetes was and the effect it could have on my body if I did not control it.  But, he also went on to explain that he had one patient who beat it; who is no longer taking medication of any kind and he told me how she did it.  Well, I am still pressing on toward that goal.  But, the important issue is that he made me believe that I could control the disease.  I listened, and because I am incredibly afraid of how diabetes can effect me, I took the necessary steps.
The BIG point?  I BELIEVED.  And I believe you can control diabetes, too.  I truly believe it from the bottom of my heart.  I believe you can make the necessary changes in your life - the food you eat, taking your meds all of the time, and doing a bit of exercise.  You can do it.
And, if you don't believe it, let me know, because my belief in you; my belief that you can manage the beast called diabetes is strong and deep.

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