Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sport Drinks - Really?

Have you ever read the label on a sport drink?  Wow!  I was shocked.  There are enough carbs in one of those to qualify as a meal!  Go ahead and take a look.

In case you don't have one handy, here's a label:

See teh carb count?  42 g!  That's a lot.  But, you have to remember who they were developed for originally - college athletes.  Now, I don't know about you, but I am not a college athlete, and I never was.  Why would I drink a sport drink?

To make me feel like one? Maybe.  Because they taste good?  Maybe. But, whatever the reason, for a diabetic they are not good.  Wayyyyyy too many carbs from sugar.  Sugar.  You have to remember that as a diabetic sugar is our enemy, right?

If you are thirsty, drink water or flavor some water - there are a lot of great alternatives out there if you don't like plain water.

Face it - Carbs hide all of the place - which is why you have to read labels.  In order to take control of diabetes you have to be aware of what is going into your body!

You really can win the fight.  and, if you are new to the battle, you really should be reading labels to find out what's lurking in that drink, food, etc.

As always, thank you for reading

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