Monday, July 30, 2012

Take Your Meds, Please

If you have diabetes, taking your prescribed medication would seem to be an obvious step toward controlling it, right?  And, yet not everyone does.

Taking the prescribed medicine is one of the easiest ways to control and manage diabetes. It's one of the most basic steps we can take.  So, why aren't people taking their meds?

You know, I don't have a clue why prescriptions aren't picked up.  Or, why people don't take their meds.  I know taking meds is a huge step toward control.  And, face it, if you don't control diabetes, it will control you.  One way or another, if you don't take  your meds, diabetes will win - it's only a matter of time.

So, please, please take your meds as prescribed so you can win over diabetes.  It's an easy step to take.  I want you to see and play with  your children and grand-children.  I want the best possible life for you - and it begins with taking your meds.

Thank you, as always, for reading.

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