Sunday, July 22, 2012


I just wrote about perseverance.  That each meal and each day is a decision point.  It really is.

Remember, I think I have told you that I lost about 60 pounds.  I was really happy with that.  All of my numbers were very good.  And, then I stopped being so disciplined in my approach.  If I wanted chips (I love chips - any kind of chips), I ate them and as many as I wanted.  If I wanted a cookie, I had one.  It was too dark to walk, I told myself.  Maybe a little too cold.  (Okay, go ahead ans laugh, but cold in California is 60 degrees.  I found reasons not to exercise, where before I exercised no matter what.

What happened?  I gained 7 pounds over three months.  All of my numbers went up a bit.  Still weren't terrible, but they went up - not the direction I wanted.  But, even thought I did not want the higher numbers, I did not want to lose the weight.  I knew the work it would take.

My doctor was not pleased with me.  I was not pleased with me.

So, after six months, I made the decision to lose the weight.  I knew that meant a bit extra exercise.  Not eating what I wanted, but what I should eat.  And, yes, it meant that I would be hungry sometimes.  But, I wanted to control and manage diabetes successfully more than I wanted food.  So, after fighting the decision, I made it.

I had to lose the weight and then some.

Right now, as I write this, I have lost five pounds - I think.  My scale at home is not entirely accurate.  (A piece of advice - get an accurate scale!!)  I know I have lost weight.  How much will reamin a mystery until I see the doctor next month.

What did it take?  Big surprise - less food and dedicated exercise.  I had to persevere.  I had to stick to it.  I have to control diabetes.  And, right now, my morning readings are looking pretty good and my weight is coming off.

The reason I write about this is that today's decisions regarding diet and exercise will be reflected in, on or around your body sooner than you think.  Please, please make good decisions so you can manage your diabetes.

I am not eating chips.  I am not eating cookies or ice cream.  I stay away from any sweet.  I limit carbohydrates.  Drink plenty of water.  And, I exercise.  ALTHOUGH - I do have one small (emphasis on SMALL) celebratory meal each week.  It's a small breakfast meal but I let myself have a few extra carbs knowing I will exercise a bit more so they won't have an adverse effect.

Don't forget to reward yourself for victories - I want you to have a lot of them!

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