A question about my general diet and exercise was asked and I thought this would be a good time to introduce the topic. I will go into more detail in future posts.
Diet and Exercise are the two of the most important ways for you to control your blood sugar, cholesterol and general well being. For a diabetic there is only one more important item - TAKE YOUR MEDS AS PRESCRIBED!
exercise part is the easier one to answer. I walk. I walk 5 or 6 days
a week for about 30 minutes. Sometimes it's 35 or 40 minutes because I
decide to walk a bit farther. I walk because it's something I can do
easily and gives me a time to consider life in general, see the
neighborhood and at least say hi to folks I see. Once I start my walk, I
do not stop.
I walked for the first 2 1/2 years in old shoes
that my wife wanted me to throw away. Yes, my shins ached a bit, but I
would rather have a little ache than have a high A1c. The first day I
walked maybe 3/4 of a mile in 30 minutes, but the important thing was
that I was doing something. Over time my pace increased, so
I go much farther in 30 minutes now. My normal
'walk' pace is 120 paces per minute; I have several areas of my walk
where it increases to 132 paces per minute. My walk is done on level
Do you know the most important reason I walk? I hate the idea of going to a gym and I think I might dislike the idea of actually running almost as much. Now, you know.
Don't worry about the 'right' shoes, by the way. Just get out and start walking.
I think my next blog entry is going to be on diet, at least where
I began, which is not where I am today. I stay to about 45 or 50 carbs
for breakfast - whole grain cereals, hard boiled eggs (no more than
four per week), toast (whole wheat and high fiber - found a great brand
that does not taste like cardboard), blue berries and black berries
mixed (a little over 1/2 cup each), very low carb yogurt like stuff and
coffee with a splash of milk. Now, understand I do not have all of that
at the same time! I mix and match to get to a carb count.
is a sandwich of turkey (not my favorite), left-over roast, peanut
butter (watch the portion size), ramen like noodles (watch the carb
count), maybe low carb yogurt stuff, fruit, fresh raw vegetables, and
iced tea to drink (unsweetened). I will have the occasional hamburger
(but they normally come in at 55 carbs by themselves). Again, I mix and match to get to 50 + or - carbs.
Dinner is a taco type salad with a piece of bread or corn tortilla,
roast, salad, broiled or rotisserie chicken, fish, fish tacos (2 and I
use corn tortillas) and iced tea to drink. Again, I use 50 carbs as the
magic number.
For snacks I use low carb yogurt stuff, low carb
granola bars (that really are good), fruit, half of a peanut butter
sandwich, fresh raw vegetables. Most snacks I try to keep to 15 cards,
more or less.
When I drink milk, which I love, I use 2%.
If it would assist you, I would be glad to use Twitter to list what I eat for a specific meal, or meals. I would record and send out everything I eat. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have found what works for me to keep my A1c and weight where they should be. If I can help you, I'd like to. I would also let you know when I found a great food or product that would help you.
Again, thank you for reading.
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." Albert Ellis
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