Friday, July 20, 2012

I Just Heard...Frequent Forced Practice

Driving home I was listening to the radio and learned that Olympic level athletes do something called "Frequent Forced Practice."  My first reaction was that it's exactly what we do as diabetics.

You see, in order for a professional athlete or perhaps a musician to be their best, they have to practice and practice and practice.  Some days are better than others.  Some days they make mistakes.  Other days go really, really well - no sour notes are hit.  It's something they have been doing for years and years - and they still make mistakes.

So, as you start out to control and manage diabetes, take heart and be realistic.  Some days will be good days; and some days will not be quite as good.  The goal is to have more good days than not so good.

Some days the diet, exercise and medication will all come together and give you a wonderful glucose reading in the morning.  Remember what you did, and do it again...and again...and again.  Pretty soon you will take control.  It's not going to happen the first day or week or month.  This is the long game, so be patient and you will persevere.

One last thought: Have you noticed that when a professional golfer changes their swing it takes months and months for them to train their muscles into a new routine.  What you have to do is to change your life.  Which do you think is more of a challenge?  Ya think?

You can do it.  And, I'd like to help.

Thanks for reading.

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